Get insight into your feelings & emotions

The your daily emotions worksheet.  And Gloria Wilcox’ feeling wheel.

Print this out for reference and then take a sheet of paper, draw a large box and divide it into 4.  As you go through your day, as it happens, or in review, make note of the events of the and how you felt about them.  For instance, woke up late (frustration), argued with partner or kids (annoyance), made up (love), easy commute for once (gratitude), successful day (pride), nice dinner (serenity), stayed up too late (worried).  Or something like that…

Most people are fairly unfamiliar with emotions in general and with language to describe them.  Use the feeling wheel to help you grow your emotional vocabulary.

Try this for 3 or 4 days to see where you most commonly spend your time.  If you’re mostly on the positive side, yay!  But if, like most people, you’re surprised to see more on the negative side than you’d expected – or want!, it’s time to learn some simple tools to shift that.

Click on the blue links for downloadable pdfs.

And, if you’re feeling like a deep dive into emotions is calling you – start here.

Or check out how Visual Coaching can get you back to you again.