The Value of Graphic Recording


Using Graphic Recording means that:

  • up to 80% of your audiences’ brain cells are engaged, when your words are captured visually.
  • your audience feels seen, heard, acknowledged, and their engagement increases.
  • connections are made, patterns are understood, big picture thinking is employed.
  • productivity increases as both memory and followthrough are improved.
  • your listener’s already over taxed brain, due to the increasing expectations and complexities of business, will have a better chance of remembering up to 55% more.

The format is fully customizable, from up to 4×8 ft sheets on the wall, digital recording live or online, smaller sketchnotes, or recorded and reproduced after the fact.

It all starts with a conversation about your needs, what your goals are, what you intend to convey and have remembered.

It takes more than a great powerpoint to help your audience connect, and remember.  When you help them SEE what you are saying, when you connect imagery with your words, ideas and concepts, it sticks in their long term memory.  If you don’t – poof! – it’s in one ear and out the other.  The brain simply can’t hold more than 4-7 pieces of information without the visual component.


Despite the time, energy and money you’ve invested into your event, your audience has inherent trouble in remembering it.

Here’s why:

  • People only remember 10% of what they hear, and 20% of what they read.
  • After 20 minutes, they will have forgotten half of what you said.
  • In a few days, roughly 80% is gone.  Unless you’ve used visuals which increases the retention to about 65%.

The good news is you can help them remember.  Our brains are designed to use our visual and verbal systems together.  They reinforce each other and wire the brain for the information to be stored in memory by making connections with previous knowledge.

  • 75% of our sensory processing capacity is vision.
  • Images are processed 60 000 times faster than text.
  • Learners will learn up to 400% better with visuals.
  • And you’ll motivate the 40% who respond better to visuals + text vs. text alone.

“In other words, visualizing content helps us piece it together in ways we might otherwise never see. It helps us play with information, re-examine it, recombine it, and essentially, rediscover it. Are there some types of data that don’t need visualization? Sure—like your grocery list. But information that can be used to solve problems deserves to be looked it in various ways. And when we arm ourselves with only text, verbal language, lists and bullet points, we’re not really giving both hemispheres a chance to shine. And why on earth would we do something like that?


Make sure they remember what you say. Click here to connect.

What to Expect


It’s my job to know as much as I can about your:

  • agenda, subject matter, audience, presenters
  • goals for the event – during and after
  • key takeaways

We work together, prior to the event, to ensure that I have as much information as possible so that you receive the most useful and accurate recordings.

Your Visual Professional should be considered an integral part of your team.  Since visuals are key to your presentations landing, being remembered, and engaging your audience, the more we collaborate prior to the event the better.  While you may wind up with an accurate recording without it, considering me an integral part of your event through helping me to understand your goals and expected outcomes, the key takeaways and concepts that you want to highlight, and the expectations of everyone attending, as well as the goals for using the recordings following, ensures that your investment in Graphic Recording is well spent.

It takes more than artistic ability to produce an effective Graphic Recording.  While aesthetics are important, the ability to listen, synthesize, take in the energy of the audience, and understand the intended outcomes, are key qualities you want in your Visual Professional.

Every client and situation is different, and so is each service.  It all starts with you.

Let’s talk about your event.

Our Clients

A 10 month workshop with the Taylor Institute.

The Environmental Monitoring & Citizen Science Conference in Edmonton, Alberta.

An all day Staff Workshop with the (former) Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre.

A co-facilitated Indigenous Mental Health Forum in Fort McMurray, Alberta.

A partnership with Dr. Stephanie Montesanti, at the School of Public Health, University of Alberta.

Facilitated by Annalee Adair, to help the Town of Canmore determine its creative direction for the future.

A few of the possibilities for Graphic Recording.

Graphic Recording Government Edmonton Alberta

Live Graphic Recording at Public Forum in Fort McMurray, on 4′ x 8′ sheets.

Graphic Recording in Edmonton Alberta

Lightning round recordings at Citizen Science Conference in Edmonton, Alberta.

A unique, collaborative recording in Canmore, Alberta which included audience members doing some of the recording and drawing.

Digital recording of a presentation at the Neufeld Institute Conference in Vancouver, BC.

Details of some of my Graphic Recording


How can I help bring the power of Visuals to your event?